Exercise Shorts - Side Bridge / Side Planking

17 days ago

YouTube Channel: Ssg Mat The Traveler
Exercise Shorts: Side Bridge (Side Planks)
This is an isometric exercise meaning you hold and tense muscles in a given position rather than flex and extend. It will strengthen muscles like the obliques that are involved in lateral trunk stability
Unlike a standard plank where you face the marching surface, you will balance on a single arm at the elbow and orient your torso to be perpendicular (90 degrees) on your side with retro the ground
Your front side and support arm should orient parallel to the ground and your support and elbow make 2 of 3 balance points with your support foot. Ensure your support upper arm is perpendicular to the ground as well and stacked directly under your shoulder not making an acute or obtuse angle
You can stack your feet on each other or cross them as you see me doing in the video to get some of the inner leg muscles involved
Ensure you maintain tension on the support side by “pulling” your elbow towards your support foot. Breathe while you’re holding the position and maintain a neutral spine. Do not curl inward or overextend
A good starting point is to do 15-30 seconds each side once or twice a day, eventually building up to a full minute or longer. You don’t need to do these “to failure” or with an egregious amount of volume, just daily consistency for weeks and months
These are a low time commitment, high ROI movement that yield tremendous benefits if done consistently!! 💪🏾😁
Getting Started on your Fitness journey? Watch my video on, “Your First Steps” BELOW!! 👇🏾👇🏾
Trying your lose weight and keep it off!? Watch this video on my, “The Call For Fire Method” for sustainable weight loss HERE!! 👇🏾👇🏾
Watch my video on why your Testosterone may be low but you might NOT NEED TRT 👇🏾👇🏾
People are counting on you so take care of yourself 🤙🏿
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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