MZTV 1554: What Was Paul Doing in the Synagogues After His Conversion?

4 months ago

We begin this edition of MZTV with a recap of how important it was to Paul’s early career (and his very survival) for Peter to understand that the nations were no longer unclean. Next, we look at the faction within the Jerusalem ecclesia (all believers in Jesus Christ) between Peter and James, the literal brother of our Lord. Peter enthusiastically accepted Paul; James—not so much.

Next, why do we find Paul in the synagogues? Was he teaching the Circumcision evangel there? Giving to the Jews his OWN evangel? The answer to both these questions is: absolutely not. Then what the heck WAS he doing?

I am continually intruged by these early, dramatic days of Paul’s career. We are so far removed from this time we forget that, at first, the Jews struggled to even accept that Jesus of Nazareth, whom many of them had met, was the long-awaited Messiah. This was Step 1. Step 2 was the introduction of a radical new gospel by a man who just weeks before was ravenously persecuting followers of Jesus. Yeah, WE get all of this now, but the men and women of THAT day were coming to grips with all this in real time.

Not even the Kardashians can beat this for drama.


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