Frank Luntz Predicts Who Will Lose The Debate

5 months ago

Posted • September 2, 2024: Personally, I think it's doubtful that Kamala Harris will even show up for the debate planned for September 10, but if she does, polling expert Frank Luntz predicts she will lose that debate based on her performance during her CNN interview last week. Luntz made his prediction the day after the interview during a segment on CNBC's "Squawk Box." He ultimately concluded that, based on her interview performance, Harris would likely lose a debate against former President Donald Trump. Luntz was clearly taken aback by the performance he witnessed. "I was surprised, quite frankly, " he said. "I was not impressed as an observer and someone who was expecting more from her with this much time to get prepared." He went on to outline eight critical points, starting with her lack of having a good response to the question about what she intends to do on day one.

"She should have had something for day one for the first hour, the first day, the first week, the first month, and the first year," Luntz said. "It's the most important thing voters are looking for to see whether you're serious. She really didn't itemize much more than her talking points." Luntz also pointed out she failed to present concrete ideas to tackle the rising costs of food, fuel, housing, and health care, and criticized her for focusing too much on defending her values amid accusations of flip-flopping, when she should have prioritized addressing the concerns of everyday Americans. He noted that her responses lacked specificity and seemed more like a convention speech rather than a clear plan for what the American people “deserve” from their president. (…)

• More at: PJ Media - Top Pollster Predicts Who Will Lose the Debate

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