CBS News Makes It Clear Biden & Harris Were Lying When They Said The Open Border Wasn't Their Fault

18 hours ago

Posted • March 1, 2025: On Joe Biden's first day in office in early 2021 he signed orders undoing everything Donald Trump had put in place that secured the border during his first term. The ensuing four years saw millions and millions of people illegally streaming across the border after Biden basically sent out invitations. When the issue of open borders because a political liability for Biden, Harris and the Democrats, they made lame attempts to blame Trump and the Republicans for the massive influx of illegals. The media also predictably tried to help with the Dem spin: Minutes after the illegal scum who killed Laken Riley was sentenced, Fake News hack Ike Ejiochi was on ABC blaming President Trump. This isn't a "political lightning rod" — it's a TRAGEDY that ONLY happened because Biden-Harris LET this animal roam our country.

"Trump pounced" on the tragic consequences of Biden's open border. Never fails. CBS News has a story that inadvertently sinks Biden and Harris' "there's nothing we can do about it" approach. Trump's only been in office for a few weeks and looks what's happened to the numbers: CBS News @CBSNews: “The number of migrants crossing the U.S. southern border illegally in President Trump's first full month in office plunged to a level not seen in at least 25 years, according to preliminary government data obtained by CBS News.” —— It's amazing what can occur when the U.S. has a president who actually tries to secure the border. CBS News said it's due to Trump's "crackdown" at the border. Actually it's just proof of a president doing his job -- a job for which Biden, Harris and Mayorkas were guilty of dereliction of duty. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - CBS News Makes It Clear Biden and Harris Were Lying When They Said the Open Border Wasn't Their Fault
CBS News: Amid Trump crackdown, illegal border crossings plunge to levels not seen in decades

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