Mars Cafe #53: "Code Purple":

3 months ago

Halloween Spectacular! What a turning point!

Space-Byron and Andy-Robot head into the Wasteland to retrieve a corpse... but Doom awaits them there!

What has become of the remains of Plastc Risotto? Only the mystical, mischievous nymphs of the Haunted Forest know the answer...

This episode is packed with Dread, Terror, and Quantum Uncertainty.

Enjoy responsibly.

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#MarsCafe #Cydonia #Lysithea #Ceres #molluskfantasy #PulpTarot #LynxPiss #warhead #tube #pipe #HighSubmergence #UAP #JellyfishUFO #NeilBreen #GaryMathias #TonyMathias #2024 #Bidenomics #EmoryBunny #Influencer #CodeBanana #CheckMeOut #SpaceByron #BTS #PoohBear #russiangirl #toxic #Ukraine #GarysMom #love #Cydonia #Bimbigne #KillerWhale #Submarine #StormyDaniels #EiffelTower #TinyRobotNeil #ExtremeSports #healthandsafety #Picnics #Shellfish #hashtag #Lobster #Champagne #alzheimers #QContinuum #Luftwaffe #Savagery #PrincessKavorkian #CodePurple #ScorpionKing #Groovy #WorldFone #RescueRangers #SneakPeek #GeorgeKnapp #JeremyCorbell #SwineLife #TrustMeBro #TwoMoreWeeks #ontologicalshock #hucksters #spotlight #chalkboard #RussianHookers #Putin #PorkConvention #WarmingGel #ShamuLives #killerwhale #scorpionking #PulpTarot #tarotcards #Nostradamus #ChosenOne #Neptune #UncleCurtis #BWC #GhostGirl #WormPit #BlackBox #Spelunker
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Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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