Rise Of Skywalker: Re-viewing & Commentary

6 months ago

Return to a simpler time, back before the Simulation Experiment fractured the maxi-verse! Revisit the day four of our merry Cabeza Policia heroes ventured down to the cinema-plex to watch the latest content from The Star Wars.

Original synopsis:

Sheriff Bill, Emory Bunny, Moochie, Mike Fast, and Space-Byron head to the Cabeza Cinema to watch the latest episode of The Star Wars, though it's entirely possible they're going to be treated to a questionable Serbian bootleg version (which tends to happen on Mars). Emory thought it was a perfect masterpiece, because his brain is small, and Bill was left feeling insulted, confused, and annoyed, which is beyond reasonable. The commentary track for the entire film is included here! #marscafe #yearsformonths #pulptarot #film #analysis #criticism #PaulBunyan #catintimacy #bignose And purchase more quality Serbian bootlegs at yourasshole.com

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/331143/THE-MARS-CAFE-300-OF-THIS

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved. simmans@gmail.com

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

Visit http://TheMars.cafe for cash & prizes.

Buy THE PULP OF TAROT card deck here: https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/310614/The-Pulp-of-Tarot

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