"Euthanasia Vacation" Part One

5 months ago

Is this a serene meditation on Death, or is this a secret spin-off of The Mars Cafe Cartoon Show? Are the two going to intersect, somehow, in the future?

Original synopsis:

... Well, where are you now?

You have no face. You have no friends. And you have no idea where you've arrived. Or why. But your crazy ex-girlfriend will surely be waiting for you in the airport's food court.

It's just another day on planet.... Earth?

Relax. Just go with it.

Would you like some pizza?

You're going to endure something terrible.

Maybe you'll... probably... be fine...(?)

Here are the stupid hashtags:

#Death #Murder #Mystery #Oblivion #Eternity #Self #Suicide #Soul #Spirit #Airport #Destination #Toxic #Relationship #Cosmic #Agnosticism #Fate #NewAge #Tribal #Cultural #Appropriation #Consciousness #Atheism #Purpose #Nihilism #France #Serbia #SeatSale #QEII #Terminal #Cancer #SpaceShuttle #DHowardDrFineDrHoward #Introspection #Futility #Pizza #Sopranos #JustinBieber #JamesFranco #MichaelImperioli #Bunny #ExGirlfriend #BiPolarDisorder #GunControl #NYC #NewJersey #TesticularTrouble #Mask #Smiley #Luggage #SocialMedia #JFK #Travel #influencers #KellyTaylor #YearsForMonths #MentalHealth #DreamTechnology #SimulationExperiment #MarsColonization #Hashtags #HAARP #KAARP

"Everything will be OK in the end". (Nope.)

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/331143/THE-MARS-CAFE-300-OF-THIS

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved. simmans@gmail.com

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

Visit http://TheMars.cafe for cash & prizes.

Buy THE PULP OF TAROT card deck here: https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/310614/The-Pulp-of-Tarot

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