MZTV 1552: OMG, The Gulf Between the Two Gospels is Wider Than I Thought

6 months ago

In my man-on-the-street interview with Honest Jim on Friday’s show, I tried to interpret his words in light of Paul’s gospel. There was no connection. And when I spoke Pauline truth to him, my words landed like the Hindenburg.
We were literally speaking foreign languages to one another.

For as many years as I have realized the differences between the Israel gospel and Paul’s gospel to the nations, I see now that the gulf is even wider than I thought.

Jim’s big-gun verse was 1 Peter 2:24: “[Jesus Christ] Who Himself carries up our sins in His body on to the pole, that, coming away from sins, we should be living for righteousness.” Jim says this verse proves that, in spite of Jesus dying FOR sins, believers must still walk away from these sins in order to be saved. Since my conversation with Jim, I have tried to make this verse reflect Paul’s truth of justification by faith—but I just can’t do it.

MZ/IB Archive: WCCD Grace Café: The Apostle Paul Loses His National Identity (July 15, Hour 2):


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