Sen. Tom Cotton Takes Down NBC News Anchor After She Shamelessly Lies Defending Kamala Harris

1 month ago

Posted • September 1, 2024: Sen. Tom Cotton appeared on NBC News on Sunday, and the topic inevitably landed on Donald Trump's recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery. As RedState reported, the press has been having a field day attacking the former president for a supposed breach in decorum regarding a wreath-laying ceremony for the 13 murdered American service members killed at the Abbey Gate during the Afghanistan withdrawal. It didn't take long after the event for the truth to come out, which was that the Gold Star families involved invited Trump to come and asked to pose for pictures with him. Still, the press pushed forward with the story in an egregious fashion, including Maggie Haberman of The New York Times calling up the mother of one of the names seen on a gravestone to harass her for a response.

Then, on Saturday morning, Kamala Harris jumped headfirst into the fray, releasing a scathing statement claiming she respected America's war dead but that Trump doesn't. That led to a massive backlash in which eight Gold Star families who were at the ceremony put out video statements slamming the former vice president and noting that she has never agreed to meet with any of them. You might think that would be the end of the story. After all, how do you keep pushing a false story that has even been rebuked by the very families involved who lost their loved ones due to Harris' incompetence? The press took that as a challenge, though, and when Welker faced off against Cotton on Sunday morning, she told an inexcusable lie as she desperately tried to defend the vice president. (…)

• More at: RedState - Tom Cotton Takes Down NBC News Anchor After She Shamelessly Lies Defending Kamala Harris

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