Joy Reid Claims Trump Wants His Supporters To 'Do Violence' Against Blacks If He Loses

3 hours ago

Posted • October 1, 2024: With everyone from President Joe Biden on down warning of the dangers of misinformation, MSNBC continues to broadcast 24 hours a day. They already had conspiracy theorist Joy Reid holding down a prime time slot, and then they gave former White House press secretary Jen Psaki her own show so she could continue to spread democrat propaganda. We don't believe Donald Trump is racist — if you want to hear some racist quotes, Biden has a rich history. But Trump saying he has to go into Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta is racist; if he loses the election, he's going to blame it on black voters from those cities, and give the OK to his "extreme MAGA" supporters to use violence against blacks. And Psaki sits there like a bobblehead. -- Joy Reid: Trump wants his supporters to “do violence” to black people if he loses the election, “to stop another peaceful transfer of power."

This is the kind of deranged and dangerous conspiracy theory that passes for analysis on MSNBC: Reid on Trump’s message: "These blacks are stealing the election. Black Haitians are violent cannibals. Black people are the enemy. Black people are going to be responsible if and when I lose. And you are permitted through my language to do violence to them, if necessary, to stop another peaceful transfer of power." The “experts" so concerned with “disinformation” are nowhere to be found on this brand of deranged dishonesty and incendiary rhetoric fed to cable audiences every single night. -- These women get paid millions for this kind of insight. This is the type of divisive rhetoric that results in two attempts on a president's life… It sure is. This particular line of attack is ramping up across legacy media as the Kamala campaign panics. Joe Reid is insane, literally insane. Agreed. How even MSNBC has kept her on as a host escapes us. She does realize a lot of his supporters are Not white, right? 🤦🏻‍♂️ (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Joy Reid Claims Trump Wants His Supporters to ‘Do Violence’ Against Blacks If He Loses

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