Expanded Scene: "Hello Earth"

6 months ago

What are Earthlings really like? Perhaps it takes a Martian to answer such a question.

In the recent Episode #44: "Podcast Situation", Sheriff Bill hosted a YouTomb Podcast inside of his mind, and some of the sequences had to be edited for time, because Sheriff Bill's mind has a limited amount of storage space.

Here is the full "Hello Earth" segment, in which Sheriff Bill and Emory Bunny speculate on how Earthlings prefer to occupy themselves. The prognosis is grim! Bill believes that Earthlings are shallow and cruel, and they spend all their free time watching TV talent shows where disadvantaged contestants are humiliated by flatus-craving celebrity douchebags.

He's probably not entirely wrong about that.

#Mars #MarsCafe #AmericanIdol #XFactor #AmericasGotTalent #BritainsGotTalent #SomaliasGotTalent #GOT #ICanSeeYourVoice #ICanSeeYourPenis #CelebrityDanceRadar #FingerInYourMother #TheGhostApprentice #VocalSingingPeople #AssWorship #TVJudgment #EmptyMinds #TheMaskedSinger #TheMaskedArmWrestler #ABC #NBC #CBS #PrimeTime #SharkTank #AmericanMediocrity #MarriedWithCancer #My600PoundLife #My700PoundWife #90DayFiance #StepsisterStoleMyBaby #TheRealHousewivesOfFlintMichigan #AmericasFunniestHomeVideos #CelebrityAutopsy #HellsKitchen #ChimpHenson #ThePriceIsRight #MarriedAtFirstHerpes #Mountaineering #GospelHymn #LivePerformance #BringingInTheSheaves #HeidiKlum #HowieMandel #HowardStern #SimonCowell #Idiots

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Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/331143/THE-MARS-CAFE-300-OF-THIS

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved. simmans@gmail.com

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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