Cabeza Policia: Summer BBQ Block Party

5 months ago

It's the celebration of the return of the beginning of summer, after the autumn has begun, and abruptly ends, and the summer suddenly starts up again! (Thank the infernal gods that the Simulation has finally settled!)

Sheriff Bill has been ordered to release Kenny Capriccio from custody, without any formal explanation, and so he gives his entire police force the rest of the day off and initiates an afternoon of liquor, tomfoolery, smoked meat, and festivities... just like in classical pagan Roman times (on Mars); Pedro Serrano has been declared a Hero for having retrieved delicate information from the elusive Zoran Markovic; Kevin, the new Analyst, seems to have a food or nut allergy; Filmmaker Froobius is tasked with grilling meat...

Everyone's invited to join the party, except for the people who were explicitly not invited to join the party! Bill's there, Emory's there, Monica's there, Space-Byron's there...

Even YOU'RE there!

It's a bit like finally being dead...

As that awful song goes, "Oooh, weee, baby, Heaven is a place on Mars!"

Our friends are the adventures we met along the way.

Pop open a warm one, take off your pants, and sit back...

*Mask mandates are no longer in effect for watching this cartoon show.

**This special episode bridges the gap between Chapter 42: "Rough Justice" and Chapter 43: "Harm Police", and is required viewing for understanding a single damned thing about any of it.

#MarsCafe #LynxPiss #GrabAss #FlatMars #Barbecue #Bacchanalia #Shenanigans #Macaroni #PokerFace #SimulationTheory #Drunk #Peace #Love #June #September #Matrix #FreeTheInternet #Freeloader #Homeless #SexRobot #Maxiverse #Metaverse #Multiverse #STD #SpeedDating #Mixer #Reunion #SpecialEpisode #VerySpecialEpisode #VerySpecialEpisodeIndeed MurderSheWrote #MCU #DCEU #OrganHarvest #SoylentGreen #DeadInternet #WebTrout #TentCity #DebbieDoesDonetsk #NightShiftNurses #WifeSwap #TestTickles

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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Go out and make a juicy BBQ-Friend today!

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