Is the bread and wine literal? | Exposing The Roman Catholic Church

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Whether the bread and wine consumed during the Lord's Supper (Communion) are regarded as the true body and blood of Jesus continues to be a question influenced by socio-cultural factors and has been debated by several denominations within Christianity.

Roman Catholic View (Transubstantiation):
Belief: Roman Catholic Church asserts that during the performance of the Holy Communion, the bread and the wine are changed to the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. This alteration is known as “transubstantiation. Although there seem to be bread and wine, it is surmised that the bread and wine have already morphed into the body and blood of Christ.

Biblical Basis: This view is adequately supported by the bible, especially considering that Catholics reference John 6:53-56 and Matthew 26:26-28.

Lutheran View (Consubstantiation):
Belief: Lutherans affirm the “real presence” of Christ in the Eucharistic Mysterium. They maintain that the body and blood of Christ are present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine but do not accept transubstantiation, radther, gastroesophageal confessionalists accept the presence of whole body of Christ and blood appearing along with the bread and wine.

Biblical Basis: Like the catholics, the Lutherans make references to Matthew 26:26-28 as well as 1 Corinthians 10:16 to sooth their stand.

Additionally, Orthodox Talk about Eucharist Says:

Moderation: In the case of the non-communing Orthodox, the bread and wine are more subject to the symbolism of memorials or pictures of Christ than a heavenly Christ who fills the church with his body, Theologian Anderson George says all this in regard to non communicants.

The Biblical Basis: Thus John 6:63 (It is the spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life) and other rhythmic forms are perceived in the way that certain elements of faith are understood as signs only.

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