21 days ago

Well, this was not expected, but here it is!

This really takes the biscuit... a South Wales based Civil Servant recently made contact with The Lord Kempsell, the youngest member of the House of Lords and a prominent member of the Order Order/Guido Fawkes team and alleged that twelve Civil Servants (10 based in London, one based in Cardiff and one based in Glasgow) are or have been involved in selling asylum documents to migrants via a Dark Web Market called 'Undermarket' through their involvement with two groups - one called 'EU Asylum' and one called 'EU Docs Store.'

The asylum seekers/illegal migrants buy these documents with cryptocurrency (mainly Bitcoin or Ethereum) and are then sent these documents which allow them access to the UK with no security checks.

As the cryptocurrency transaction cannot be traced by Police or Security Services, the twelve people alleged to be involved are then free to either mix the received cryptocurrencies, move them to other digital wallets or to cash out via a crypto to FIAT transaction or exchange crypto to PayPal or Stripe via a site such as HodlHodl or Symlix etc.

The twelve people are mentioned herein and (CAVEAT) this site is only repeating news which has been given as sourced by The Lord Kempsell and known to Paul Staines (Guido Fawkes).

Hopefully, this matter will be fully investigated, and if (as mentioned) the Home Secretary has knowledge of this and is also acting contrary to her role as a Cabinet Minister then she needs to be removed ASAP as this matter is a serious breach of public security and safety and is tantamount to treason.

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