Episode 363: Why do the wicked prosper and believers suffer Part 3

6 months ago

Hello everyone. In today's Bible study we look at some undercurrents to God's reconciliation plan.

What are these undercurrents you are speaking of Kevin?

I'm talking about why does God allow the wicked to prosper and His children, true born again believers, to suffer.

Why does God, from MY PERSPECTIVE, allow this injustice to occur?

Is He indifferent?

Is He not powerful enough to right this perceived, from MY PERSPECTIVE, wrong?

How can God sit there and do absolutely nothing, FROM MY VANTAGE POINT?

Today's study is 1 hour and 24 minutes in duration. I have broken it into three segments. This segment 3 of 3 titled Why do the wicked prosper and believers suffer? Part 3

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