Don Lemon: Black Men Said They Were Supporting Trump Because He Gave Them a Stimulus Check

6 months ago

>> Same old dog, same old tricks. You interviewed a lot of people. What are some of the things or trends that surprised you about some of those conversations.
>> I don’t think it was surprising, but it was hearing women, strong women say they were going to support Donald Trump. And I don’t know who’s going to support who. right-wing media, when I released my content, they said don lemmon was surprised on what he heard. But there were a lot of black men that said they were going to vote for Donald Trump because he gave them a stimulus check. He gave them a $300. They didn’t seem to remember that our current president also gave them a stimulus check. They didn’t remember that. And I had to remind that, that it was the Democrats that gave him the stimulus check and he just slowed it down. But because they got a check with his name on it. He makes people think that he’s the one that is in control. We were on our way to Illinois, to Chicago, it sort of depended on where you were. Pennsylvania, I shouldn’t say Pennsylvania, I should say Philadelphia was a bit more liberal in the answers to the questions about her and him were quite different. But for the most part, in pittsburgh, or in at the jersey shore in Atlantic city, in Ohio especially, many people did not know who she was. Right, they weren’t familiar with her. So I think she has to reintroduce herself to the public. But for him, I think they thought he was better for the economy. That he brought money into the community or that he was on black people’s side. And so, listen, I wasn’t surprised by that. I’ve been doing this long enough to know that you never know where people are going to fall, how they’re going to vote. That’s their own personal prerogative. But, I think it’s important for them to understand and to go into the voting booth with some knowledge. That they’re informed as an electorate, and for all the reasons they were telling me the information was all false. They didn’t understand the correct reasons they might vote for him.

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