Shelter hut lake Iso-Melkutin Finland, Khukuri and Lars Fält Knife maintenance with Ballistol oil

6 months ago

Staying at a very large and classic double semi-open Scandinavian shelter "Tokholmannakka" (east-side of the lake) right next to the crystal clear lake Iso-Melkutin with a lot of firewood to be used to keep warm and dry since it started raining again, nevertheless this is one of the best maintained shelter I came across so far and is located right on the Hämeen Ilvesreitti, Häme Lynx hiking Trail.
Made extensively use of the highly maintained and well-equipped Shelter infrastructure, having nice and tasty steaks at breakfast, lunch and tea in the afternoon in flat finish buns.
Using the opportunity for maintenances my chopping blades, namely the Nepali Khukuri and the Swedish Casström Lars Fält Bushcraft Knife with Ballistol oil, to keep this carbon steel rust free and just in generally in good order, explaining a bit about this valuable tools and why I'm using this too.
Beside telling a bit more on the water-filter and what I do carry in my pack against bad stomach or just loos guts, diarrhoea and what does help to tackle this problem to cure on a trail.
Other than packing up again my woolly DIY rucksack and carry to move on hiking, even if I didn't really wanted to go, still on the Lynx Trail Finland to the next shelter on my way.

Webpages - Link recommendation:
5160 Raw Kukri (Forged To Serve) the former Farmers-Kukri which I'm using:

Casström Lars Fält Knife:

Ballistol shop:
Ballistol Universal Oil fluid 50 ml the classic best for blades:

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