One Giant Tip For Depression: Mindful Awareness!💙

6 months ago

Here's one giant tip for depression: develop and cultivate awareness of your own thoughts. Most of us have loads and loads of thoughts during the day that just whizz by and they generate feelings but we don't recognize the two are connected because we don't recognize the thought.💙

So we just feel the feeling and we're like, "oh I'm a bit sad about that", but it's not associated with any given thought. So if you develop this mindful awareness you try to listen to your thoughts and recognize them, pull them out of the subconscious, pull them out of autopilot. 💙

I tell you what! If you're depressed you'll hear the same thoughts over and over again. They will be ruminative and they will be negative and you'll get to a point eventually, if you maintain that awareness, where you're like, "these are not helping me, they are not part of my path forward".💙

The thing to do then which is critical is to acknowledge the thought, say, "okay I've heard you, I appreciate you're only trying to keep me safe, you're trying to keep me from experiencing the situation that happened before that resulted in us feeling bad. I appreciate that and thank you for bringing it to my attention".💙

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