DIY Canvas Plash-Palatka Poncho-Tarp, 1st-part getting ready and warming up for the project

6 months ago

The 1st part of a larger DIY project, which I guess will become 4-parts in total.
this video contains the preparation, design and making of a smallish additional Tarp to accompany the 3x3m Tent-Tarp, to be used in multiple ways likewise as awning, poncho, weather protection, wind shield, sun shade and just as a small addition to go with my DIY 3x3m canvas tarp. I had a bit leftover from the 3x3m tarp project and now making use of the rest to extend my kit.

The DIY Canvas Tarp made up a while back from the same tent canvas the famous “Tschum 2P SOSWA light” Lavuu type tents are made of... yep had some of the fabric off the roll.. (many thanks to Florian from Tschum), Florian was so kind to sell me some of his stock, so I was able to stitch up two tarps in size 3x3m

The material I used came from: Tschum canvas Bushcraft tents and stove... Many Thanks to Florian.

Since this video attracted quite some attention over the last year, specially regarding the pattern of the Palatka, I would like to share a link to the original Soviet field manual published in 1942
contains 34 pages about the Plash-Palatka cloak tent, Page-by-page: which showing the cloak in great details.
Another good source for the pattern can be found here: if you are only after the pattern drawings to make your own DIY Plash-Palatka.

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