What's in my Pack part-1 "DIY Titan Hobo" brewing a cup of Tea on Table

5 months ago

So, now things slowly coming together to get to on of my main project, namely "What's in my Pack"...
Yes, this is the start of a series of Videos I'm about to finally create up here. This is actually a long-term request from my mate Andy in Gloucester, England who is pestering me for about ten years now to get on with it to get my act together and create this "What's in may Pack" Video... turned out to be a running joke among us by now. Every so often in the past Andy start nagging in a nice way mentioning this pulling a leg on my about this... See Andy and I we are old outdoor mates, having done several Bike trips, Hiking and Canoe trips over the past 20 years or so where we had plenty of time sitting around a camp fire brewing up a nice cup of Tea and cooking in the woods.. chatting and making plans reviewing our outdoor kit, joking around having a good laughter about our self and in general having a good time together while growing older... you get the picture... that's old boys stuff....

Actually this whole YouTube channel is just about that, outdoor kit, travelling and having fun.. enjoy.

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