Learning Handtool Woodworking Ep16: Coaster Project

6 months ago

Beginner project for the young woodworker just getting started. We use the skills we have learned from the Teacher's Handbook of Sloyd to make a coaster set using all handtools.

Taylor Tool Works: A great small company worth supporting

These are some of the books I have found useful. If you choose to buy from these links I might receive a commission and a great way to support the channel.

Teacher’s Handbook of Sloyd by Otto Saloman
Hard Copy https://amzn.to/3MjVaeC
Kindle https://amzn.to/4dWhV3W
Free https://archive.org/details/teachershandbook00salo/page/128/mode/2up?view=theater
Sloyd System of Woodworking by Saloman and Hoffman
The Guide to Woodworking With Kids by Doug Stowe

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