Howard Kurtz: RFK Jr. Has Always Been a ‘Fringe Candidate with No Plausible Way of Winning the Presidency’

1 month ago

BAIER: “Yeah. R.F.K. Jr., Howie, took special time in his speech today to go after the mainstream media, take a listen.”
[Clip starts]
Kennedy JR.: “During the 16 months since I declared ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN combined in only two live interviews. Those networks, instead, ran a continuous deluge of hit pieces with inaccurate, often vile pejorative, and defamatory smears. Your institutions have made themselves government mouthpieces and stenographers for the organs of power.”
[Clip ends]
BAIER: “Went on from there big part of that speech, Howie.”
KURTZ: “It really was. I think it’s pathetic that he scapegoats the media for not giving him more air time. The blunt truth is he has always been a fringe candidate with no plausible way of winning the presidency. The reason he hasn’t gotten much air time is nobody saw him winning this thing, saw him as a spoiler, and at the same time, Bret, you know, he tried to make a deal as he became less influential, first with Kamala Harris, you give me a job if you win, a healthcare job and I will endorse you. Same thing with Donald Trump. That didn’t come about. And so, you know, he is colorful; you know, he had the great bear cover-up show why he was putting a dead bear carcass in his car and he said he had a brain worm. I think the media didn’t take him very seriously and I think this shows why.”

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