Horrifying numbers...

5 months ago

Dr. Casey Means: "74% of American adults now are overweight and obese, close to 50% of children are overweight or obese. 120 years ago when someone was obese there were case reports written about it. Literally there were people in the circus...It was so unusual. It is now 74% of our country. 77% of young adults are unfit to serve in the military because of these issues like obesity.
A full 50% of American adults have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes...30% of teens now have pre-diabetes. This was the condition that no paediatrician would have seen in their lifetime 50 years ago. 1% of Americans in 1950 had type 2 diabetes. We have 18% of teens with fatty liver disease. A disease that used to be in late stage alcoholics. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and elderly. Young adult cancers are up 79% and this is the first year in American history we're estimated to have over 2 million of cases of cancer. 25% of American women are on antidepressant medication, 40% of 18 year-olds have a mental health diagnosis. We have the highest infant and maternal mortality rate in the entire developed world despite sending 2x on maternal and infant care than any other country. So you have a higher risk of dying as a woman giving birth in America than any other developed country in the world.
Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally. This was 1 in 1500 in the year 2000 and the screening has not changed...
Infertility is at peak rates...Infertility is going up 1% per year, sperm counts are going down 1% per year since the 1970s. 25% of women have polycystic ovarian syndrome...
All of these conditions are caused or driven by the exact same thing, which is metabolic dysfunction. This core foundational issue how our bodies on the cellular level function which is driven by our toxic food system and our toxic environment. These subtle insidious forces that are creating slow progressive illness starting now in fetal life that allow patients to be profitable and on the Pharma treadmill for their entire lives. They make us sick but they don't kill us and then we are drugged for life.
You look what's happening in children. A child born in a hospital in the United States today within an hours coming from source into this body, the first thing that happens to them is pharmaceutical intervention, without really asking, there's barely informed consent about this. That child's eyes are smeared with Erythromycin ointment and they're given a Hepatitis B vaccine. In their first day of life...we are put on the Pharma treadmill from the moment we are born in this country for reasons that are very strange..."

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