MZTV 1543: The Israel Gospel Not Founded Upon the Cross

6 months ago

The cross of Christ heralded by Paul occasioned a new humanity. But with a new humanity comes the erasure of national distinction. Thus, the cross of Christ becomes fatal to the Israelite message, which has Israel as the head of the nations during the Millennium. This is why the Israel gospel is not founded upon the cross, but rather upon a recognition of Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel.

For us, however, the cross is the centerpiece of our evangel. It is not only the basis of a new humanity, but for justification by faith. “We are reckoning a man to be justified by faith apart from works of law” (Romans 3:28). Justification and law do not commingle. Yet during the thousand-year Israel kingdom, law is front and center. Thus, even during the thousand-years Israel does not come into the truth of justification by faith.

God could not justify the old humanity, and so He put it to death. This is advanced (and advance) truth only for the body of Christ. Thus, no one embracing the Israel gospel of repentance and forgiveness is able to grasp the truth of justification by faith. God does not give it to them. And neither does He give them truths pertaining to the new creation. No, but they are (or will be) a reformed old creation. As odd as this seems to us, it is an Israelite undertaking.

I only ask that these people stay the heck away from our evangel.

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