Abby Phillip: Harris Hasn’t ‘Engaged in Pressing Interactions on Anything’

6 months ago

Johnson: “Do they believe that when it comes to Covid? Do they believe that when — “
JENNINGS: “Yeah, they do. He has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden, so definitely they do.”
SELLERS: “But also, I think — I mean, to give Scott a little bit of grace here — “
PHILLIP: “You’re being — “
SINGLETON: “A lot of grace today. I love it.”
PHILLIP: “Quite a lot.”
JENNINGS: “You all act like people don‘t believe Trump did a better job than what‘s happening now. It is obvious in every poll, they do believe it.”
SELLERS: “I don’t — I mean, if that was the case, he‘d be leading in the polls. But can I give you grace and — “
Johnson: “Or he would have won reelection.”
SELLERS: “If you could just slow up for one second, I mean, like, just accept it. So what I was going to say is that Kamala Harris has stuff to prove in the debate, too.”
PHILLIP: “Sure. Yeah, absolutely.”
SELLERS: “I mean, I think that there is a — “
PHILLIP: “And before the debate, frankly. I mean, she has not — she has not engaged yet.”
SELLERS: “She has engaged.”
PHILLIP: “No, she’s not. She has not — “
Johnson: “She only been on the trail for three weeks.”
PHILLIP: “She’s not engaged — “
Johnson: “She just became our nominee.”
SINGLETON: “How long is she gonna take, two months?”
Johnson: “No.”
SINGLETON: “A week before the election?”
PHILLIP: “She has not engaged in pressing interactions on anything really.”
SELLERS: “Well, no, that‘s not true. Actually, I mean — “
PHILLIP: “That‘s gonna be an issue.”
SELLERS: “That‘s — first of all, that‘s not an issue. I believe that the fact that the mainstream media and many people in D.C. are consumed with the fact that she won‘t sit down with them or do media interviews has posed a problem for them, because what we‘ve seen, poll after poll, individual after individual, voter after voter, is that when she‘s out in Wisconsin, when she‘s out in Arizona, when she‘s out in Pennsylvania, and actually talking to voters, that matters a lot more. And I think that we‘re seeing the inherent value of that. But what I was attempting to say is that I was actually going to give Scott a little bit of grace — I‘m coming back to that grace while I still have it in my heart — Bishop Jakes would be very proud of me at this moment.”
JENNINGS: “Preach.”
SELLERS: “Thank you. Is that Kamala Harris actually has questions to answer as well. You know, she has to be able to answer why, you know, why was she with fracking or Medicare-for-all or health care, all of these things. That‘s why September 10th is so important to her as well.”
SINGLETON: “But why not sit down with a journalist?”

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