MZTV 1542: Hardly Anyone Understands Justification By Faith

4 months ago

Justification by faith is being declared to be righteous by God simply by believing God that we are righteous. This evangel (good news) would be readily believed were it not for ANOTHER evangel in the New Testament stating that confession of sin to God is the only way for one to become right before God. This evangel is shockingly NOT based on the cross of Christ (for it was heralded BEFORE the cross), but rather on the confession of sin.

This evangel is known as “The Evangel of the Circumcision” and it is the evangel brought to Israel via Moses, via Peter, via Jesus while He was on earth. It is NOT the evangel brought to the nations via Paul, via the glorified Son of God Who was no longer confined to Israel truth when He called Saul the Pharisee on the road to Damascus.

Strange that, when confronted with both these gospels, the majority of the human race will ignore all of Paul’s amazing declarations concerning sin, in Romans, in order to believe the Israel gospel found via the Circumcision writers—Peter, James, John, and Jude. Why is that? Two reasons. 1) Humans would rather be accountable for their sins and have a part in their expiation rather than be the beneficiaries of the grace of God which does not include them, and 2) most of the human race remains unaware that the evangel of Paul and the evangel of Peter are not meant to be reconciled (it is impossible for them to be) and certainly not mixed.

Welcome to the end of all confusion.


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