Making Complex Things Simple

1 month ago

Hello, fellow crows and users. So, I've been dorking with my internet for better part of three hours off and on today, trying to get it to work. Figured that out. So, I want to go back over a couple of things that I just did. I just uploaded it. This is not going to work here. Let's go back.
00:22 Prompt Setup
So, I'd previously uploaded this. I'll show you the prompt here in a minute. And OR, I call this OR simply because Penrose and Hammeroff are like one of my favorite guys these days. And it's funny how without any direction, it took this here. So, I want to do this again and go back to where it was.
So, this is round number three. So, what I have here is, and this prompt, we'll come back to this in a second. You need to upload your document first. So, we're gonna try this one more time. We'll upload OR, and if you're in quantum physics like I am, see the full conversation. All right.
So, we're going to do this anyway. It doesn't let you be too silly about things. So, this is the prompt. What are the key takeaways from this document or text? So, I'm going to hit run now and let's see if it's changed and it should, and I'll show you the other document that I have that it did. And for complex situations, this is a really good thing. And the first time is typically the best I found because it thinks it wasn't good enough and it'll pound it out. And I'll show you the difference here in moi memento. Let's see here. So, that's basically it.
01:33 Exploring Quantum Entanglement
So, what this does is, and this has been, I actually wrote a thing on the Pygmalion Effect, a story, I don't know, like maybe seven, eight years ago on it. And why when you think good things will happen, they happen. And when you think bad things happen, they happen. And so, when I found out about quantum entanglement and then the OR theory which basically says, so quantum entanglement is, if you don't know this, is two things at once here. Let's go back, history. So, this is a good one. So, anyway Roger Penrose and Stewart Hammeroff, they're both super smart guys. I think one won Nobel Prize, and the other one is the anesthetic doctor plus a psychologist and all this other stuff.
But, so anyway, the birds of a feather thing i.e. the crows, when you're around people, have you ever noticed like, you know, they say that you're like the five people that you hang around most, whether you're overweight, underweight, rich or poor, socioeconomic status, and everything else. And the OR theory along with quantum entangled, it explains it, especially now that they found out that we breathe out pieces of DNA like by the tens of thousands, if not millions, when we're around other people. So, quantum tanglement is when you have two molecules that are aligned quantumly, no matter how far they're separated, it's like by 10,000 miles or even a thousand miles, they react exactly the same instantaneously. They cannot measure the time differential. So, which blows away E=MCsquared, but not really. Einstein did not like quantum mechanics. So, when you pull this into quantum entanglement OR theory or three says we all have these tubules in our brain which they said didn't really matter that the "experts," right? And one of my best quotes I ever came up with, I think is most experts aren't. So, we're gonna run with that.
And so, what they have posited and they proved themselves and it really makes sense, it just fits in so well, is that our minds are quantumly entangled with other people or they can be. Right? So, when you're around other people, you start acting like them. And then with the quantum entanglement where you're actually breathing in DNA, and especially in cases like a mother and child where, you know, they know something happened, good or bad, instantaneously, they are quantumly entangled and your tubules can interact. They're the parts in your brain can interact quantum and they can communicate quantumly.
And then when you connect that with bio photons, which all nerves put off, we put out I think it's a billion every minute, they can have an effect on this stuff. So, it could explain ESP, intuition, and why groups of people, when they have the same goal, that they do miraculous things. This is that 100X effect sometimes.
04:24 Practical Applications
So anyway, that was the short, the long answer for what you can use this for. And I kinda like this one. And just to reiterate here, so this saves it in clean text. So, if you place this in your website, you're not going to get all janky. So, we strip out the code in here when it's saving. So this is just straight text. And then when you pop it out, you can go ahead and put the spacing and everything else in there.
So anyway, that's a long version of it. Hope you're having a great evening. I am going to go take a shower. Hey, it's been a long day. And so that's it.
04:57 Future Plans for
Simple template or a simple prompt. It's available now. I've got a ton of these. What I'm trying not to do is overwhelm everybody. So, if you have any requests for prompts or some mods to these prompts, just let me know and I will get back to you as soon as I can, and we'll come up with some really cool stuff. I literally have 2,000 or 3,000 at this point in the game plan, and I'm almost ready to put, I'll be able to put like three or four hours a day into this which is going to be fantastic here shortly.
Anyway, hope you guys and gals are doing fantastic and thank you for being pros. You'll look back in this time and say, remember when we did that stuff? And because this is, if you use this correctly, AI with HI, it's, game changing, and I'm still sticking by this. People that aren't using AI within six months to a year are not going to be in business. I really think that. So anyway, hope you have a great day. Andrew Anderson, fellow pro, signing off. And this is definitely a longer crow bar, don't you think? Talk to you later. Bye bye.
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