Ending Our Need to Defend Ourselves Against Illusions - a daily inspiration

1 month ago

August 16 - Ending Our Need to Defend Ourselves Against Illusions - a daily inspiration
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A healed mind is relieved of its addiction to judgment, and thus of the burden to defend itself against illusions. It simply takes the energy of defense and understands it as an opportunity to find out what illusions it was still hiding and supporting as real within itself. It then raises these illusions to the surface of the conscious mind, shines the light of understanding on them, are seen for what they truly are, and then they are forgiven and dissolved, forever to rule over you no more. Then it offers gratitude instead of judgment to that person, place, or thing for having help brought to the awareness of the conscious mind those still small dark illusionary areas within the mind where the ego still reigned as king. Today when the ego knocks at our door with same type of illusionary sales pitch, we will simply looks past it’s fairy tales, diligently decline its demands, and let it go on its way.
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