Biblical Audio Commentary – Revisiting the Idea of Innocent Palestinians

6 months ago

Most of the world hates Israel. Because of that, vast numbers of people are under the delusion that Israel is a genocidal state that must be constrained at best and eliminated at worst. In this view, since Israel is comprised of a people who wantonly kill others, they obviously must hide this fact through a multitude of lies. Ask Candace Owens who has decided to make a career of revealing “falsehoods” about Israel and Hamas. She’ll set you straight. Thus, a supposed terrorist massacre against the Israeli people never happened. It’s just like the Holocaust that Nazi-haters conceived of in their wicked imaginations. According to Owens, why would the Nazis commit such atrocities or do horrific experiments they’re accused of? Like doing barbaric experiments on twins? What would be the purpose of that? In the same manner, why would the peace-loving Palestinians with their duly elected and nonviolent government of Hamas perpetrate the terrible barbarisms of which they are blamed by murderous Israelis? It’s all photoshopped and deep-faked – so they say.

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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