Awaken Biblical Audio Commentary – Running Toward Evil

2 days ago

A unique aspect of evil is how seemingly attractive it is for many people. The question we have to ask is this: Since the general consensus of mankind is that we’re all inherently good, why would we run toward evil which is the polar opposite of what we say we are? Recall that many people when asked about themselves inevitably reply that they are a good person. If that’s the opinion among the majority, then it must be true – right?

Of course, the answer is: Absolutely not. It often happens that majority thinking is wrong. In a sense, it’s like mob mentality. What usually occurs with mob violence? There’s almost always someone with a bullhorn inciting the crowd, getting them to chant, and encouraging them to act as one. Then it’s as if the individual people become a single organism.

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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