Remember Pence Was Gonna Put Gays In Camps? Harris Says Trump Will Enact Anti-LGBTQ Policies Again

6 months ago

Posted • August 13, 2024: All the Left does is lie about their political opponents. Romney gave a woman cancer and was going to put blacks 'back in chains.' Mike Pence was going to round up the gays and put them in camps. Blah, blah, blah. Watch Kamala Harris lie about Trump's first term, and his 'discriminatory' anti-LGBTQ policies: “If Donald Trump wins in November, he will once again implement policies that target the LGBTQ+ community. We know he will—just look at what he did his first term in office.” -- All lies. And some members of the gay community let her know what they really think: “As a gay man, I loved Trump’s policies. He lowered my income taxes, doubled the value of my investments, and eased regulations for the industry I work in. I hope he wins so he can keep targeting me with his policies.” -- He can target us with those policies, too. We liked cheap gas and lower taxes. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Remember How Pence Was Gonna Put Gays in Camps? Harris Says Trump Will Enact Anti-LGBTQ Policies Again

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