MZTV 1537: The Redemption of All Animals

6 months ago

Looks like the Internet here in Hyde Park, NY, is slower-running than the maple trees in mid-January. Sorry, then, that this video will be late today. I'll look into new methods tomorrow. In the meantime, let's talk about animals.

Animals are a step down from human beings (in some cases) but are a part of the sentient creation meant to bask in the glory of God for the eons and beyond. In the meantime, they are suffering and groaning just as we are (with the exception of Clyde Pilkington) upon this vale of tears.

Did you know that animals have representation at the throne of God? Yes, there are four animals at the throne of God (Revelation chapter 4) who are head over the animal kingdom on earth. Which came first—the animals in heaven or the animals on earth? The answer to that question and other spiritual queries is explored from my rental car this morning here on MZTV.


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