Episode 344: The Praise of God's Glory is the ultimate purpose Part 1

6 months ago

Hello everyone. In this morning's Bible study we conclude our study on God's Purpose with the "Ultimate Purpose".

With everything that has been revealed to us concerning the purposes of God, there is yet a single focal point.

What's that? It's the execution plan of God's reconciliation plan. What in the world is that?

The reconciliation plan reveals the Lord Jesus Christ in all His glory to the glory and praise of the Father.

This makes me cry out with the glorious praise and worship by the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul in Romans 11:33-36.
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
“For who has known the mind of the LORD?
Or who has become His counselor?”
“Or who has first given to Him
And it shall be repaid to him?”
For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.There is no other reason for all things being created.

Let's dive into this head first.

Today's study is 1 hour and 5 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 titled The praise of God's glory is the ultimate purpose. Part 1

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