Walz On His Covid Snitch Line: It's Neighborly To Snitch On Your Neighbors… It's For Their Own Good

5 months ago

Posted • August 9, 2024: This video repulsed me. I felt physical sickness upon viewing it. -- Gretchen Whitmer @gretchenwhitmer: “When your friend is gonna be the next Vice President of the United States of America.” -- As a Floridian, I was blessed to live through COVID under Ron DeSantis. My life remained relatively normal. Some businesses demanded masks, but it was up to me to comply. Mostly people did because of societal pressure. The citizens of Whitmer and Walz's states did not fare as well. The children were forced to do school from home for much too long, businesses were closed only to never open again because of the financial hit they took, Whitmer didn't allow her residents to buy seeds and Walz set up a tip line to snitch on you neighbors. They really are the worst of American governance. Yet, because they are Democrats, they only fail up.

Awww Commies of a feather, flock together. These people are insanely cringe and fake. They are also power hungry would be commies. Americans should be TAKING power from people like this, not granting them more. “I am the husband to the Governor, will this make a difference?” Yikes — after Whitmer urged Michiganders not to flock to newly opened areas of the state, her husband asked for special treatment to access their boat while they flocked to the area. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/05/25/purported-northern-michigan-boat-request-fuels-controversy-gretchen-whitmer/5254889002/ -- As a reminder, Gretchen Whitmer's husband demanded special treatment retrieving their boat when his wife's had ordered her constituents to stay home. Rules for thee, but not for me. We see you, Gretchen.

We must do everything within our power to win this election solely to stop this brand of politician from spreading further. For anyone who doesn't remember, Gretchen Whitmer was the one who kept casinos and liquor stores open during Covid in Michigan but shut down churches, hair shops and small businesses, then said anyone who complained was racist. And marched with BLM chanting Defund the Police in the height of her lockdowns. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRiF08tXAAA8v_n?format=jpg&name=medium 😬 Never forget, people were not allowed to go to church or get a hair cut, but marching was just fine. Why would anyone ever vote for this hypocrite again?

How Sweet… TWO GOVERNORS WHO VICTIMIZED THE PEOPLE OF THEIR STATES WITH UNCONSTITUTIONAL & ABUSIVE RULES DURING COVID. Walz competed w/ Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer in issuing the MOST OPPRESSIVE & DRACONIAN PANDEMIC ORDERS CONCEIVABLE. People seem to have forgotten the COVID rules these two adopted. Don't forget Governor Walz and his 'snitch' line. https://rumble.com/v5a3125-tim-mind-your-own-damn-business-walzs-covid-lockdown-snitch-line.html -- Just like socialism, this is Tim Walz’s idea of being neighborly. Please take a moment and listen to that recording. Think about it. That's a message you expect to hear in North Korea, not America. Walz is not the cuddly dad, he is the nasty HOA President fining your neighbors for the grass being too high.

Tim Walz on the Covid Snitch Line: It’s neighborly to snitch on your neighbors, “It’s for their own good” - “Just to try to keep their neighbors safe.” -- “Educational piece” 😂 (Violations of the stay at home orders carried penalties of up to a $1,000 fine or 90 days in jail.) When you see Whitmer and Walz together, just think 'Seed and Snitch'. She is the one who wouldn't allow her citizens to grow their own food and he set up a snitch line. Don't allow them to rewrite history.

Rumble: The Gretchen Whitmer And Tim Walz Love Fest Is A Reminder Of The Vital Importance Of The Election
Rumble: DeSantis To Walz On Snitch Line: That's Not Minding Your Own Damn Business…That’s Govern't Overreach

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