🔬#MESExperiments 40: Replicating Viktor Schauberger's Rising Egg Experiment in REVERSE

6 months ago

In #MESExperiments 40 I once again replicate Viktor Schauberger's rising experiment this time using a magnetic stirrer to show that a plastic egg falls 40% faster than a spherical ping pong ball. This is a much more controlled setup as the magnetic stirrer is set to the exact same setting each time. The stirring is also much slower than the previous manual or drill stirring, which better demonstrates the rapid motion of the plastic egg when its broad side leads.

Experiment results Viktor Schauberger links:

- Original unedited experiment: https://youtu.be/utEcC1IL6fM
- Experiment results Excel file: https://1drv.ms/x/s!As32ynv0LoaIi5MyKNhC0HEwq9_xdg
- Living Energies book by Callum Coats: https://archive.org/details/LivingEnergies/page/n145/mode/2up?view=theater
- Rising egg experiment is on Page 141 (PDF 147)
- MES Local PDF: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIiu9PhdOm-l40uNaTGA
- Experiment illustration: https://snipboard.io/8aOLe5.jpg
- Viktor Schauberger (30 June 1885 - 25 September 1958) wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Schauberger
- Natural Philosophers wiki: https://wiki.naturalphilosophy.org/index.php?title=Viktor_Schauberger
- ChatGPT on Viktor Schauberger: https://chatgpt.com/share/b7d71c2a-1819-48b0-a183-928a6ee9698d
- Callum Coats wiki: https://wiki.naturalphilosophy.org/index.php?title=Callum_Coats


- Rising egg experiment in reverse direction with a magnetic stirrer: 0:00
- Ping pong ball weighs 26.63 g. Plastic egg weighs 29.94 g.: 26:63
- Comparing ping pong ball vs plastic egg (broad side up) vs plastic egg (broad side down): 0:16
- Plastic egg with broad side down finishes 5 laps the fastest: 2:01
- Plastic egg with broad side up finished 2nd: 2:13
- Ping pong ball finishes last: 2:57
- Timing the falling only: 3:06
- Plastic egg with the broad side down falls the fastest: 4:09
- Plastic egg with the broad side up falls 2nd fastest: 4:24
- Ping pong ball falls the slowest: 4:39
- Timing the rising only: 4:49
- Plastic egg with the broad side up rises the fastest: 5:55
- Ping pong ball rises 2nd fastest: 5:57
- Ping pong ball with the broad side down rises slowest: 5:59
- Results of experiment: Plastic egg with the broad side down fell 40% faster than the PPB: 6:08
- Bar chart of the graph: 6:30

Stay tuned for #MESExperiments 41...

Experiment screenshots and playlists:

- Screenshots of the Experiment: https://peakd.com/hive-128780/@mes/uviqqbpn
- #MESExperiments video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0HUHoank-Lj9q6RGAS51QRh
- Hive playlist: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list
- DRAFT #MESExperiments video series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft

Related Videos:

#MESScience video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0GhjCHmTw1XbqMD_EdVKdd9
#AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series
#FreeEnergy video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0FKVpHL_onhaqBeVP-8qJXV .


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