MZTV 1534: Antichrist Update: The Trump Movement Becoming Ultra-Christianized

7 months ago

Based on Daniel’s prophecy in chapter seven of book named after him, I predicted twenty-five years ago that the man of lawlessness (the antichrist) would arise out of the Christian Conservative movement to rally America and the world around good government and God. For this to happen, however, the enemy would have to become so radical, so out of touch with reality, and so insanely evil that the world would grasp desperately for deliverance—even if that deliverance came in a strangely-dressed package (big golden hair/orange face/mean tweets).

This deliverer would have to be an exceptional man who could absorb the most rabid and unfair persecutions thrown against him and not only remain standing, but smile, hug the flag, embrace the cross, make fun of himself—and stick to a common-sense political agenda of the people, by the people, and for the people. This odd yet brutally effective white horse rider would be the only logical choice in a world gone mad, the only man strong enough to halt the slow yet insidious creep of communism.

Welcome to the Christianized world of Donald Trump.


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