Life Done Free - Regenerative Design & Site Visit By Lindsay Brandon of Permaculture Canada

6 months ago

Lindsay Brandon of Permaculture Canada and Armagarden tours Tag Meyer & Bee (of Life Done Free & Freesteading) and their 40 acre site for their regenerative design (June 2024) Tag has already made huge strides in creating community, sharing resources and connecting people to each other so that all may thrive! The world could benefit from more folks like these putting freedom into their own hands and encouraging others to do the same!

Lindsay also spoke at the MidWest Preparedness Project while she was there meeting homesteaders and preppers from all over the US and Canada! This design will be the future site of the Festival for the coming years as well as a central hub for many community initiatives in their area.

Lindsay Brandon:
Permaculture Canada / Armagarden

Tag & Bee:
You Tube:

For more information on Solar & EMP Sheild and getting set up!
Grid Down: (For 7% off)
EMP Sheild ($50 off):

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