As You Heal Your Mind, You Heal Your World – a daily inspiration

6 months ago

August 7 - As You Heal Your Mind, You Heal Your World – a daily inspiration
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If you would like to help heal this world, begin within, by healing your own thoughts about the world. It is not in your external world where the true healing of this planet begins. It is in your internal world, your mind. It is not your circumstances, your relationships or anything outside of you that can weigh you down mentally. It is only your thoughts and perception of them that do. There is nothing in this world that can mentally weigh you down — unless you believe that it can. You have the final say over what affects you and thus over your experiences in this world. This is the gift of free will — the decision in each moment and interaction to define the world you see. This is good news, for it is you, not anyone or anything else, who holds the power to change and heal yourself and thus the world you see.

Today, let us stop blaming the world we see outside ourself for how we are feeling within. Instead, let us take greater personal responsibility for the thoughts we are thinking that are defining and thus coloring our experiences. When our thoughts align with the love that God is, our mind begins to heal and awaken. As our mind heals, the world we see softens. Today, let us entertain and support only loving and healing thoughts that soften our path and journey. If we find ourself entertaining unloving, judgmental thoughts, let us not punish ourself for this misperception. Instead, let us simply recognize what we are doing. Then let us recall that we have the final say over the thoughts we think. Understanding this, let us gently bring our mind back into alignment with our loving nature; then at one with Love, choose thoughts that will help us create and experience the world we want.
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