MZTV 1529: The Leprous Face of Eternal Torment

7 months ago

The specter of Eternal Torment mars the presentation of any Christian attempting to evangelize the world. What sort of evangel (good news) includes the information that God is an insane, medieval torturemeister Who, although recommending to His creation that they love their enemies, in fact hates His enemies to such an extreme degree that He tortures them forever for refusing to love Him back. And this, in spite of the fact that He, Himself, subjected them to sin and death.

My new analogy is that Christians are leprous. It is as though their faces are marred with a repulsive skin condition that they themselves cannot see, accustomed as they are to the evil in their midst. They have lived with it so long that the evil of Eternal Torment has become commonplace. The diabolical scheme is sewn into the fabric of their being.

They are all unconscious idolaters, as the god they worship is not the true Deity at all, but a false god. In my opinion, Christians are worshipping Baal-Peor, one of the false gods taken up by Israel in ancient days but now the acting lord over and subjector of Christianity. Baal-Peor has stolen and appropriated every sacred name of God, including the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. For this, he is the most deceptive and dangerous celestial authority in the true God's universe.


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