Gov. Shapiro Says Trump Needs to Stop ‘Shit-Talking America’

6 months ago

Shapiro: “And so — so I got a message to Donald Trump. Stop shit-talking America. This is — this is the greatest country on the face of the Earth. Let’s start acting like it! (cheers and applause) I know that’s true. You know that’s true. He doesn’t know that’s true. He keeps talking us down and he keeps trying to rip away our fundamental freedoms. I’m going to have to let — do you ever see this guy, like, when he’s on the stage, he, like, kind of meanders over, you know, can’t really walk well, and he goes over to the flag and he like hugs the flag. And I love the flag, but it’s a weird thing he does, right? But while — while he’s hugging the flag, you know what he’s doing? He’s ripping away our freedoms. That’s what he’s all about.”

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