Flashback To Kamala Harris Endorsing Reparations Before She Claims She Changed Her Mind Again

7 months ago

Posted • July 30, 2024: In a blow to the campaign of Kamala Harris, video exists. Unfortunately, she said some WILDLY Leftist nonsense when she was running for President 4 years ago. She is doing her best to run from those comments now, but even Usain Bolt couldn't get away form all the crazy she spewed. The latest revelation is her support of reparations, which is kind of crazy since her ancestors have been proven to be slave owners themselves back in Jamaica. -- "Should black people get reparations?" -- Kamala: "There have to be some form of reparations." -- Things to consider before voting for Kamala. One of many. Would Kamala qualify for reparations? Is that why she’s all in? Kamala is asking a country to elect her President while at the same time saying that same country is so racist it owes reparations. Make it make sense.

Democrats have been preaching about reparations for years. They had so many chances to do it. When will the black community realize that it's never going to happen and the Democrats will never give you it? They'll say anything for your vote. Wake up and stop living in the past. It's a carrot the Left constantly dangles election cycle after election cycle. Americans can barely afford gas and groceries right now, so surely this will come as welcome news. …We are $35 Trillion in debt and I never had a slave… There isn't an American alive today who ever owned a slave. 1 percent of the then population owned slaves. Get it from them. Kamala’s family owned slaves. Get it from them. It's almost as racist as 'White Women for Kamala' and 'White Dudes for Kamala'. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Flashback to Kamala Harris Endorsing Reparations Before She Claims She Changed Her Mind Again

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