Here Are The Best (Worst) Takeaways From EMBARRASSING White Dudes For Kamala Call: Part 5

7 months ago

Posted • July 30, 2024: A bunch of white, privileged, wealthy, Hollywood and government 'dudes' got together to talk about how awful white men are in general and how the only way to fix how awful white men are in general is to DONATE money to and vote for Kamala Harris. Seriously. We made the same face. A bunch of white men sat around talking about how they have to help the poor black woman win … How grossly sexist and racist are Democrats? Don't answer that. Oh, they also talked a lot about their feelings and how they even cried when Trump won in 2016. Yeah, we laughed too.

Welp, these duds (sorry, dudes) topped at about 64K on their YouTube stream (which was originally supposed to be a Zoom call), and they raised over $4 million dollars WHICH would sound like a lot if there weren't a bunch of elite multi-millionaires on that stream. When you look at it like that, what a letdown. What does that equal? About $21 dollars a person? Especially with speakers like Mark Hamill, Sean Astin, Jeff Bridges, and the guy who played Olaf whose name nobody can remember. It was hilarious, for all the wrong reasons. Or the right reasons, if you're not a completely thin-skinned, overly emotional man with a man bun whining about having to provide and protect. Twitter had a lot of fun at their expense: Meet the ‘White Dudes for Harris’: What stands out to you? -- White Dudes For Kamala Harris: (…)

• More at: Twitchy - NICE Man Bun: Here Are the Best (Worst) Takeaways From EMBARRASSING White Dudes for Kamala Call
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