Tim Walz Claims ‘You Never See this Guy [Trump] Laugh,’ You Never See These Guys Do Normal Things

5 months ago

Who is sitting in a bar saying, we really need to ban animal farm. Nobody is. They are talking about real things. When these guys given situations in front of real people, and trying to pretend like they know what people are going through, got nothing to offer. And no one can picture them in their own lives. I brought this thing up the Donald Trump tries to mock vice president Harris for laughing, and I made the point, you never see this guy laughed. You see them do normal things. I go home at night, I pick up the frisbee, my dog catches it and he gets a Belly rub for being a good boy. Victor these guys doing that stuff. They just can’t. We hear where you are coming from. And I made the pitch that I watched that rally in st. Cloud, Minnesota, where he lied about the election and lied about everything. But the thing that I thought was so joyful was Kamala Harris is going to be there to provide reproductive health care to the women were standing behind him. He’s going to be there to make sure their Social Security for the seniors were standing behind him as he talked about nonsense. Going to be there to make sure those workers can unionize to get a good job. That’s a politics of this. Whether they vote for us or not, that’s irrelevant. Taking the country forward with a positive message on things that work, that’s what people are inspired about. What are they going to tell us about? They are not talking in the legion clubs about banning books and things. They are wondering why this project ’25 cuts va benefits. Why would they do that? Why is Donald Trump doing that? So this is a golden opportunity. Yes, they are weird. They prove that every day.

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