MZTV 1525: God Hates Equality

3 months ago

There is a new teaching being forwarded by our sister Ashley that everyone in the body of Christ will be ruling and reigning with Christ, and that there is no such thing as a special allotment within the body, but that eonian life IS the allotment.

In other words, God—like a celestial Robin Hood­—will steal from the rich and give to the poor so that everyone in the body of Christ gets equal glory and NO ONE gains any special award for excess service, excess suffering, and excess endurance. In other words, there’s nothing really special about Paul; he will be given the same glory as those such as Hymeneus and Alexander, who were shipwrecked as to the faith (1 Timothy 1:20).

This is a human philosophy (it’s basically what I call “spiritual socialism") based on the unprovable premise that God is a divine redistributionist. This, in the face of the undeniable fact that God, throughout Scripture, clearly hates equality.


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