i SAW THE TRIBULATION Part 7: Guillotines : Concentration camps
New Signal members guide & Dec 16 LIVE all things: Alien,Great Deception,Invasions,Great Tribulation
1987 by angelic intervention GOD saved me from attempted suicide collision
Protected from deadly knife and black belt assaults
PROMO-God Protected Me in Nuclear War Dream- brief burning arm reminder after
God Protected Me in Nuclear War Dream- brief burning arm reminder after
Thru Jesus escaped dream inception induced coma
The Alien-ation of Society: This landed in my backyard

PROMO-God Protected Me in Nuclear War Dream- brief burning arm reminder after

7 months ago

This Dream in 1988 was one of the first of many the Lord gave me of Tribulation and Gods Provision and Protection for his Abiding John 15 Believer's.
Mentioned and related LINKS for this Video:
Dmitru Dudeman https://youtu.be/gZWqCGNeRik?si=2_A4MAjnBD3P2FYU

Nuclear deception links:
Bridge to Infinity book by Bruce Cathie:
Bruce Cathie videos playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFH0XWwDCthD487hVPzJKOzrTAcmqtHU2&si=CzTm0y_jkRYKLb1W
relevant books excerpts link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mbMe4SSLIw6dLRSyphI7Bnx5ha1CgbL_/view?usp=sharing
Welcome to Berean Builder Ministries where we assist you as a soldier for Christ in the Eternal War of the Savior and the Serpent. To know Who and Whose you are, preserving/protecting truth through daily walking in the Spirit, practicing situational awareness and Sword Training in an online and local community daily cultivating His Abiding Presence and His Word.

You can find out more about this ministry from our Our Interview getting 27k + views on Deep Believer https:\youtu.be\lkU2_6yPgVk?si=CKmvqSbpTZ53Gn5w and our supernatural testimonials here https://www.youtube.com/@bereanbuilderministries
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Email: bereanbuilderministries@gmail.com
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- access past and current classes on YouTube and Rumble
- our visions blog and testimonies/strategies for today
As I have taught Jewish Roots of our Faith for over 20 years please consider watching this video to get straight facts of Israel, Zionism, etc from a native Israeli Pastor living there https://youtu.be/hRyk5gfN_ww?si=MvqIAtuwo2ZjbPEt
Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq-
Rumble where all 50 videos uncensored are: https://rumble.com/c/BereanBuilderMinistries
Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/bereanbuilderministries
YouTube:: https://www.youtube.com/@bereanbuilderministries
TELEGRAM: Berean Builder Fellowship Telegram https://t.me/+W5gKUPyQ1Vka-KXJ
TWITTER a.k.a X: https://twitter.com/berean_builders
I appreciate and read all comments, please subscribe, and like to support our ministry and getting the word out…God Bless, Doug

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