Van Jones: “People Are Going to Crawl Through Broken Glass to Vote Against a Party’ Calling a Black Woman ‘Incompetent’

2 months ago

BLITZER: “Let me get Van to respond to that. Go ahead, Van.”
Jones: “Well, I agree with, with Ashley. Look, we’re going to have to learn how to talk to each other. There’s certain things that if — there’s a way — there’s a smart way and a dumb way to do anything. It’s a very dumb way to, after 400 years of this mistreatment of black people and black women, to say you’re incompetent. Maybe that makes sense to you in your world and you wouldn’t take it that personally, but that has been the slur. That has been the core, that we are not worthy, we are not as smart, we are not as good, we can’t do stuff. And so when you have someone who’s overcome all of that again and again and again and again, and that’s the word you pick, incompetent, I’m just going to tell you, it’s not going to work as well for you as you think. And what you’re going to wind up doing is getting a lot of people who are not going to vote, who really did not care, who are sick of all of it, people are going to crawl through broken glass to vote against a party who says that about a black woman. Pick another word. Don’t pick that one.”

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