One Lord, One Faith, One Church: An Inconvenient Truth (with Jesse Romero)

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Jesse Romero, host of Jesus 911 heard on The Station of the Cross, joins the show to discuss his book One Lord, One Faith, One Church: An Inconvenient Truth (co-authored with Paul Zucarelli).

It’s no secret that there is an abundance of so-called Christian sects populating a wide range of churches, with different worship services and teachings regarding the salvation of your soul. But how can one intelligently make sense of this if there is one God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever?

In this book, you will learn about the historical origins of the Church, early Church leaders, significant places in Church history, where the tenets of the Nicene Creed come from, and how the books of the Bible were selected. In addition, you will gain an understanding of key Church scandals in history and their “triggering events” that led to further fracturing of the Church. You will also discover how precisely to respond to the division that has occurred throughout the centuries. Moreover, you will receive the biblical basis for the universal Church and the four supernatural proofs for the one true Church.

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