Anyone Can Get Depressed!💙

8 months ago

Depression can affect anyone at any time. Depression doesn't discriminate. It can affect people who are young, who are old, who are rich, who are poor, who are any race, any gender. Yes, there can be events that may make someone more likely to be depressed. 💙

They may have current stresses in their life at the moment or they may have had childhood issues that cause a greater chance of them getting depression. There could be genetic factors but you can't tell who's going to get depression and who isn't going to get depression. 💙

That's why it's such a problem when people say, well, other people have it worse. It's like, well, it's not a factor how well you think I'm doing or how well you don't think I'm doing as to whether I get depression or not. 💙

So that comparison saying other people have it worse therefore you shouldn't have depression is very unhelpful because that's just simply not how depression works. 💙

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