Biblical Audio Commentary – Republican Party Yoked to Belial

7 months ago

I’m sure this post will increase my popularity. In a prior Commentary I cautioned that Christians are in danger of going down the wrong road in their adulation of Donald Trump. Yes, God likely preserved his life from the assassination attempt, but for what purpose? If those who profess themselves as followers of Jesus Christ place their hope and faith in Trump to restore our nation, what does that say about how much they consider Jesus as Lord? What does that indicate as to how late the hour is in this lost and dying world? What does that tell us as to where their eyes are focused? Are they on Jesus and His soon coming, or are they fixated on their best life now? Will Donald Trump bring back righteousness to America? Is the Republican Party – of which Trump is the titular head – going to aid in the restoration of a God-focused, moral nation? Or is what we’ve seen this last week, with the attempt on Trump’s life and the resulting glee among Republican convention goers, indicative of a further slide into apostasy and disaster for our country?

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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