CNN: Biden Gets Nasty with Bronze Star Democrat on Zoom Call, tells Him to ‘Cut that Crap Out’

7 months ago

BASH: “We have new reporting into CNN this hour, showing just how tense things have gotten between a defiant Joe Biden and key members of his party. Sources tell me that the President lashed out at Congressman Jason Crow in a Saturday call with House Democrats. That happened after the Colorado moderate relayed voters concerns about the president’s vigor and strength, especially when it comes to the world stage. Biden, I’m told got so upset with Crow’s blunt assessment, that at one point, he said, quote, ‘Cut that crap out,’ and told Crow he could walk away if he wants. My friends and colleagues are back here. Just going to give you a little bit more of information from this call. Some of it had been — previously been reported, but I’m getting new details. Leigh Ann, what Jason Crow said to the president in this call was Americans want a commander-in-chief who can project strength, vigor, and inspire competence at home and abroad. They need to feel that you have the helm when they go to bed each night. Despite your many successes your many successes and the dangers of Trump we are seeing overwhelming evidence in our districts, that many voters are losing confidence you can do this in a second term. It’s not fair, but it’s true. Very, very blunt and very direct.”
BASH: “And here is what I’m told happened after that. I’m told, ‘The president responded to Crow, an Army Ranger, we should note, who served two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq, that he knows Crow is a bronze star recipient, like Biden’s son Beau, but that he didn’t rebuild NATO,’ — meaning Crow. ‘According to two — two sources familiar with the call the exchange got even more contentious when Crow pushed back on the president who also argued that NATO leaders are supportive of him. Now Crow told the president that he needs to understand that voters aren’t seeing him that way. At one point, Biden told Crow to ‘cut that crap out, and that if Crow wants to walk away from him, then he can walk away.’”
CALDWELL: “Yeah. So that call happened Saturday, as you mentioned, with a new democratic coalition where many of those members are frontline members. Those are the ones who represent swing states, they call themselves the majority makers of the Democratic Party.”
BASH: “Yeah.”
CALDWELL: “And the readout I got of that call is that it was intense that Biden quote, ‘screamed’ at Crow, and that it was absolutely a disaster, that these members had been extremely concerned that President Biden is not hearing what he needs to hear, that his small circle of people are keeping him so separated from what the Democratic Party, elected officials, donors, and voters think, that this was their opportunity to tell the president that directly. And as you reported Dana, it did not go over very well. And we see that the president is still entrenched and sticking in and so is the campaign is behind him and his team, but there’s still — this is not going away. A lot of the attention is on this Republican convention and there’s still so much frustration and nervousness among Democrats.”

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